OneOdio Monitor 60 Hi-Res headphones - PremiumHIFI

OneOdio Monitor 60 Hi-Res kõrvaklapid

The company OneOdio claims that their Monitor 60 headphones are perfect for DJs and audiophiles. Well, I can't speak for DJs, but I can definitely vouch for audiophiles. Let's dive in and see if this holds true. Is it really so?

The OneOdio Monitor 60 headphones come presented in an elegant black box with a premium feel. The box proudly displays the Hi-Res logo, positioned neatly in the corner. Overall, the packaging leaves a delightful and genuinely premium impression. Inside the box, you'll find the headphones themselves, three pairs of wires of varying lengths with different plugs, and a rather attractive carrying pouch for these headphones.

Nüüd, siin toimub maagia. Kangast saki tõmmates avate karbi, et avastada vaade. Juhtmed, mida ma varem mainisin, on kenasti paigutatud ja seal, otse teie ees, on kandekott, mida ehib ettevõtte logo. See on üsna mugav.

Moving on, the build quality of the headphones is quite impressive. Despite their price of just 76 euros at the time of this review, they are made with quality in mind. They are crafted from ABS plastic. The headbands, of course, are adjustable. Inside the headbands, there's metal, likely for reinforcing the headband's durability. The headband is adorned with the "OneOdio" inscription and the company's logo, made from a soft material, probably eco-leather. The ear cushions on the headphones are rather thick and remind me of the cushions on the Sony MDR-XB1000 headphones – those were splendid headphones. The ear cups can move in various directions and fold up, making them easy to carry. The headphones have two jacks: 6.35 and 3.5. This means you can connect a wire with either type of plug. One peculiar aspect is that the 3.5 connector can fit any type, but it won't plug in here. Firstly, it's deeply recessed, and secondly, the connector has certain special notches and the like. In general, it's best to use original wires, or find a way to adjust your own. The headphones have a luxurious appearance. In fact, due to the mesh on them, you might get the false impression that they're open-back headphones. However, in reality, this mesh is purely decorative and has no bearing on whether the headphones are open or closed-back.

The labeling of the left and right sides of the headphones is a pleasant surprise. The eternal dilemma of figuring out which is right and which is left is resolved. Additionally, the "left" and "right" labels are duplicated on the earcups, which is quite convenient when putting them on. The headphones are soft, comfortable, and cozy. They exert no pressure, causing no discomfort. They slightly muffle ambient noises.

The included wires have average manufacturing quality. They're not luxury wires, but they're not the cheapest ones either, which often come with budget products. Interestingly, the headphones are equipped with 50mm drivers with neodymium magnets. Each ear has its own driver, of course. The frequency range of the headphones is from 20 Hz to 40,000 Hz. As I mentioned, they are Hi-Res certified. The impedance of the headphones is 32 ohms, and their sensitivity is 110 decibels. This means that the headphones aren't very demanding when it comes to the amplifier's power. I tested these headphones by connecting them to my mobile phone through the FiiO KA3 DAC/amp. This little DAC/amp provides sufficient power to fully drive these fairly large headphones.

In general, it's rare to find 50mm drivers in budget models. Usually, budget headphones feature 30mm or at most 40mm drivers. However, here we have a full 50mm. This should provide an abundance of bass in these headphones. And, you know, speaking of sound, I had to compare them with my own HIFiMAN HEXX droop edition headphones. By some incredible coincidence, just the day before yesterday, I spent the entire evening listening to my HIFiMAN HEXX droop edition headphones and, of course, I was using my little FiiO KA3 DAC/amp. I had connected it to my phone. Then, yesterday evening, quite unexpectedly, I received the OneOdio Monitor 60 headphones, which were sent to me from China. They arrived approximately two weeks after I placed the order.

I put on the OneOdio Monitor 60 headphones, start playing music, and there it is – the sound! Almost exactly like the Hi-Fi Man droop Edition, which used to cost (well, it's no longer available), retailing for around 350 euros. Can you imagine? That's more than a fivefold difference in price, if I'm not mistaken. Well, approximately fivefold.

Allow me to describe the sound to you. The first thing that strikes you when listening to the OneOdio Monitor 60 headphones is the warmth and comfort, a kind of tube-like sound. In other words, they sound entirely analog, covering the entire frequency spectrum as indicated in the specifications – from 20 Hz to 40 kHz. It's true that I can't hear what they reproduce at 40,000 Hz, pardon me, I'm not a bat. But the bass here is ample, clear, articulate, and wonderful. I'd say the bass speed is slightly delayed, much like in Denon products. It's not overly fast, but at the same time, it doesn't prevent it from being articulated and powerful.

The vocal range is reproduced splendidly. Very articulate, clear, beautiful, transparent, and entirely natural. The high frequencies, cymbals, and all other nuances – various rustles, reverberations – are handled with precision, clarity, and distinctness. Well, just like the HIFiMAN HEXX droop edition. Everything sounds exactly the same. Except for two things.

Laval on siin piisavalt sügavust, hästi kihiline ja astmeline. Seal on sügavus ja kihtide tunne. Kuulete esiplaani, tausta ja isegi kolmandat, kui see on salvestisel olemas – saate tajuda näivaid heliallikaid. Kõik on omal kohal. Kui aga rääkida ruumilisest mõõtmest, mida te OneOdio Monitor 60-s tajute võrreldes lahtise seljaga tasapinnaliste magnetkõrvaklappidega, siis see on veidi vähenenud. Siiski, kallid inimesed, on täiesti kohatu sellist võrdlust teha, kuna avatud ja suletud kõrvaklapid kõlavad oma olemuselt erinevalt. Avatud tagaküljega kõrvaklappidel on rohkem ruumi. Sisuliselt kõlavad need täpselt nagu tasapinnalised magnetid, kuid veidi vähendatud ruumimõõtmega. Ma ei saa aga väita, et see ruumilisus oleks ebaadekvaatne. See on imeline. Ja kui arvestada nende hinda – selle ülevaate tegemise ajal 76 eurot –, on see lihtsalt jahmatav.

Teine aspekt on mikrodetail. See ei pruugi audiofiile täielikult rahuldada. Lihtsalt sõna otseses mõttes, üks aste madalamal mikrodetailide osas, võrreldes HIFiMAN HEXX droop väljaandega. Aga inimesed, pöördume tagasi hinna juurde. 76 eurot ja 350 eurot. See on viiekordne hinnavahe. Erinevus helikvaliteedis on vaid üks samm. Ja lubage mul öelda, et HIFiMAN HEXX droop editioniga sellise mikrodetailsuse taseme saavutamiseks peate need ühendama mitte selle 99-eurose FiiO KA3 DAC/ampriga, kui ma õigesti mäletan, vaid konkreetse Hi- END võimendi. Alles siis kogete seda heli tõeliselt. Kuid, mu sõbrad, siin on hinna ja helikvaliteeti kombinatsioon lihtsalt erakordne.

Kokkuvõtteks pean ütlema, et OneOdio on suutnud Monitor 60 kõrvaklappidest kõrgemale hüpata. Siin on retsept: usaldusväärne ja funktsionaalne šassii, kvaliteetne 50 mm draiver, mis taasesitab kogu helispektri. Need kõrvaklapid on tõeliselt võimelised pakkuma kõrget Hi-Fi helikvaliteeti, mis meeldiks peaaegu igale audiofiilile. Äärmiselt kõrgel tasemel audiofiilidel võib ehk mikrodetailidest puudu jääda. Kuid minu jaoks isiklikult ei ole mikrodetailid üliolulised. Heli on sellest hoolimata fantastiline – soe, mugav ja meeldiv.

I almost forgot to mention another exceptional feature of the Monitor 60 headphones. With them, you can share sound. While one jack serves as input, the other functions as output. So, when watching movies or listening to music, you can share the sound with your friend or significant other. It's a fantastic feature!

Order the OneOdio Monitor 60 using the link in the description if you want to experience high Hi-Fi sound quality at an incredibly reasonable price. Subscribers of the "Premium Hi-Fi" channel receive a 20% discount when ordering from the official website. Enter the promo code provided in the description to avail the discount. And that's all, my friends. Until we meet again!

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