OneOdio Open Rock S ✅ - PremiumHIFI

OneOdio Open Rock S ✅

Täissuuruses kõrvaklappidega treenimine on üsna ebamugav. Need on rasked, ajavad kõrvad higistama ja te ei kuule, mis teie ümber toimub. Kõrvaklapid võivad aga olla kasulikud treeninguabilised, pakkudes rütminäitajaid, pulsivärskendusi, läbitud vahemaad ja treeningtulemusi.

The battery life is impressive, lasting nineteen hours on a single charge. With a sturdy, magnetic case, you can use the headphones for a total of sixty hours! During workouts, I didn't even feel the headphones on me. The fit is very comfortable and secure. You can check the workout video at the link above the screen.

Notably, the headphones don't block your ears, allowing you to hear everything around you. Many people avoid using headphones precisely because of the disorientation, caused by the loss of natural ambient sounds. With OpenRock, you hear the natural surrounding sound, maintaining your orientation. Plus, you can choose musical accompaniment or a coach assistant.

The headphones are partially waterproof, protected from sweat and light rain, but swimming with them is not recommended. For example, listening to music while lying in the bath is no problem—just don't dunk your head! The build quality is solid and reliable. The headphones, along with the case, give the impression of a well-made product.

OpenRock excels as a hands-free device for phone calls. Thanks to four microphones, noise-canceling technology, and modern Bluetooth five point three, your conversation partners hear you clearly without interruptions. 

Sound quality is good but not outstanding. Everything is audible—bass, vocal range, high frequencies. This quality is more than enough for background music, phone calls, or listening to audiobooks. OpenRock uses the AAC Bluetooth codec for iPhones and SBC for Android with a low bitrate for maximum reliability. The connection stability is indeed reliable!

Kõrvaklappide juhtnupud on puutetundlikud ja nendega harjumine võttis mul veidi harjutamist. Üldiselt on kõik lihtne ja praktiline, kuigi hääleassistent aktiveerub sagedamini kui vaja.

Kokkuvõtteks – suurepärased kõrvaklapid sportimiseks, telefonikõnedeks ja taustamuusika kuulamiseks. Tugev, töökindel konstruktsioon ja monumentaalne kahepoolse magnetilise põhjaga korpus. Pikk aku tööiga.

That's all. May the power of sound be with you.

20% promocode for official web site: ONE20%SP

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